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Old West Downs Society - ex-Pupils by Year
Analysis by year of entry
Old West Downs Society - Football Teams 1904-1986
1904 H.F.R. Rawson ( Captain), A.H. Cope, A.C. Straker, R.P. Henderson, C.W. Hordern, F.H. Richards, T.O.C. Pease, A.H. Bowman, C.G. Banister, R.R. Rawson, P.F. Payne-Gallwey. 1905 H.F.R. Rawson ( Cap...
The Old West Downs Society - History of the School
The Old West Downs Society A Brief History of West Downs School, Winchester The School was founded by Lionel Helbert in 1897, and was finally closed in 1988, surviving for 91 years. During this time t...
West Downs through the eyes of an Old Boy: what did we get out of it?
West Downs through the eyes of an Old Boy: what did we get out of it? After writing several papers about life at West Downs, as seen through the eyes of a boy there, perhaps the time has come to writ...
The Old West Downs Society - some books about WD
The Old West Downs Society Some Books about West Downs “West Downs – A Portrait of an English Prep School” By Mark Hichens This book, published in 1992, and written by an OWD who has had a lifelong c...
Old West Downs Society Publications
Old West Downs Society Mark Hichens’ Book “West Downs—A Portrait of an English Prep School” was published in 1992, and was very well received by the many OWDs who bought it. If we didn’t have you on ...