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- OSC Bulletin from Carswell
Carswell - Draft Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
4. THE BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE ADVISORY GUIDELINES Spousal support guidelines can be structured in many different ways. For those who are interested, the Background Paper reviews in det...
Carswell - Draft Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
10. VARIATION, REVIEW, REMARRIAGE, SECOND FAMILIES The formulas proposed in Chapters 5 and 6 are intended to apply to initial orders and to the negotiation of initial ...
- Carswell - OSC Bulletin
Carswell - Draft Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
1.1 The Legislative Framework Spousal support, when sought in the context of a divorce, is governed by the federal Divorce Act. There are also provincial and territorial laws ...
Carswell - Draft Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
5. THE WITHOUT CHILD SUPPORT FORMULA Here we examine the first of the two basic formulas that lie at the core of our proposed advisory guidelinesthe without child support formula. Th...