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White House Transition Project – "Smooth Transitions of power are a hallmark of a successful
New WHTP Research on Presidential-Press Relations In one of our periodic reviews, Martha Joynt Kumar reviews presidential interchanges with the press over the last six presidencies and as of 30 months...
About WHTP – White House Transition Project
About WHTP A big help to the Transition Coordinating Council and the overall transition effort. Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise. –- President George W. Bush –- I. Ari Fleischer...
WHTP Resources – White House Transition Project
WHTP Resources The White House Transition Project provides a a range of resources for a new White House staff, including general essays on transitions, briefing books on the offices critical to a good...
Appointments – White House Transition Project
WHTP’s Original Scholarly Research: The Nuclear Option Fizzled…again. A scholarly journal article on the effects of using the Senate’s “nuclear option” on judicial appointments, examining all instance...
CRS Reports – White House Transition Project
General Transition This series contains documents that cover a variety of topics ranging from the President’s ability to reorganize, records of previous transitions, and the recommendations of Congre...
Transition Essays – White House Transition Project
Transition Essays This area contains documents with details regarding general challenges to previous transitions. The reports below come from authors and practitioners alike. The page is broken into s...