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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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Wichita Electric Company, Inc. | 2020 E. Douglas Wichita, Kansas 67214 | Phone 316-269-1962
Phone:   316-269-1962 Address: 2020 E. Douglas Wichita, Kansas 67214 Email:[1] .tbmain{ /* Changes on the form */ background: white !i...
Wichita Electric Company, Inc. | 2020 E. Douglas Wichita, Kansas 67214 | Phone 316-269-1962
Our Exceptional Customer Service Whether you have an electrical problem or want to prevent them, we are the company to call. We are fully equipped and use the most modern techniques for a...
Wichita Electric Company, Inc. | 2020 E. Douglas Wichita, Kansas 67214 | Phone 316-269-1962
Wichita, Kansas 67214
Wichita Electric Company, Inc. | 2020 E. Douglas Wichita, Kansas 67214 | Phone 316-269-1962
Welcome to Wichita Electric Wichita Electric Company Inc. is a second generation family owned company established in 1982. We perform work in many market segments including residential s...