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EECS Repo | Main / EECSRepo
There are two types of spaces, personal and non-personal. If you only have a personal space you will be sent to its management page on login. If you also administer one or more non-personal spaces,...
EECS Repo | Main / HomePage
To continue setting up PmWiki, see initial setup tasks. The basic editing page describes how to create pages in PmWiki. You can practice editing in the wiki sandbox. More information about PmWiki i...
iCyPhy High Level Architecture | Main / CERTI and jcerti for C++ and Java federates
CERTI is written in C++ and its installation is enough if the federates are also writen in C++. For federates written in Java, as Ptolemy federates, it is necessary to also use the jcerti library. ...
iCyPhy High Level Architecture | Main / High-Level Architecture
High-Level Architecture Ptolemy II 11-0 includes the ability to use the High-Level Architecture (HLA) to realize distributed discrete-event simulation. What is The Ptolemy-HLA co-simulation frame...
S2I2 Main Wiki | Main / HomePage
Institute for High-Performance Computational Science with Structured Meshes and Particles (HPCS-SMP) HPCS-SMP is a conceptualization effort for an HPC simulation software Institute across multiple sc...
Hosting | EECS Wiki Server
Hosting Your Wiki with EECS Thanks for your interest in using the EECS wiki hosting service. Our level of service is focused on the infrastructure needed to run a wiki and we leave the configu...