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Be Salt Wise in Wisconsin
WI Salt Awareness Week
WI Salt Awareness Week 2021 Calendar
Wednesday Webinars
Wednesday Webinars Catch the latest in Salt Wise happenings via YouTube-livestreamed conversations over the noon hour (12-1pm CT) with private contractors, facility managers, and more. Tune in live to...
Home Water Softeners
Water Softeners Most wastewater treatment plants are not able to remove salt from wastewater, so every bag of salt that goes into your water softener passes through the treatment plant and into a loca...
Need brine for a municipality or another public entity? Many Wisconsin Counties sell brine to municipal/public entities. Reach out if you need support getting brine ( Need brine ...
Teacher Resources
The Izaak Walton League coordinates a nationwide water monitoring program and supplies free test kits to participants. Tap into this amazing resource and get your students involved in a growing citize...