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Teachings | Wisdom of God
Recent Questions & Responses Christian Gaviria Alvarez on Elul 26, 5996 YB / Elul 26, 5783 AM / September 11, 2023 AD: “So because there is extreme rain in some places on the earth we should then ign...
- Messages – Wisdom of God
Assembly | Wisdom of God
The Set-Apart House Welcome to my home in Envigado, Colombia. I have purchased this house and completely paid it off in preparation for the great tribulation and the return of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which...
Israel Photos and Videos | Wisdom of God
I I have decided to freely share my photos and videos of the beautiful land of Israel I took using my iPhone, Mavic drone, and GoPro, which are found on this webpage. These unique and breathtaking pho...
Statement of Belief | Wisdom of God
After reading this Statement of Belief slowly, then go on to read the bible studies in this website, as they elaborate on each of the statements made here by providing scriptures and explanations. Th...
The Fulfillment of the Seven Seals of Revelation, and When the Sun Turned to Darkness and the Moon
Zechariah 6:6 And since the reference point of all cardinal directions in scripture are from the land of Israel, the “land of north” is speaking of the land of the fourth kingdom of Daniel, which were...