Wolfram Media: Titles
Complete list of publications from Wolfram Media, including books, ebooks, A New Kind of Science resources and journals.
Wolfram Media: Title: The Mathematica Book, Fifth Edition
The Mathematica Book, Fifth Edition, by Stephen Wolfram, from Wolfram Media. Book summary, contents, about the author, purchase information.
Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica
Cliff Hastings, Kelvin Mischo and Michael Morrison's cornerstone resource for learning Mathematica and Wolfram Language, with a focus on ease of use.
Metamathematics: Foundations & Physicalization
Book by Stephen Wolfram shows how both mathematics and physics as experienced by humans can be seen to emerge from the unique underlying computational structure of the recently formulated ruliad.
Wolfram Media: Author Resources
Author tools include a palette and stylesheet for authoring books in Wolfram Notebooks, an author and publication Community group, and a complete list of books using Wolfram Language.
Twenty Years of A New Kind of Science
Stephen Wolfram discusses major applications and implications of A New Kind of Science, originally published in 2002. Also, his new thinking, building on that original conceptual framework.