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How We Work - Women Enabled International
From Our Work at the United Nations to Rights-Based Advocacy, WEI ensures its work is at the intersection between gender and disability.
Our Impact - Women Enabled International
As an advocacy organization, Women Enabled International measures its impact through ore qualitative than quantitative measures.
Latest - Women Enabled International
Check out the latest news, blog posts, and publications by Women Enabled International.
The Feminist Accessibility Protocol - Women Enabled International
The Feminist Accessibility Protocol is a groundbreaking set of commitments that seek to ensure the inclusion of feminists with disabilities in gender equality spaces. The Protocol asks States, feminis...
Resource Center - Women Enabled International
WEI’s publications and resources offer valuable information and guidance on human rights at the intersection of gender and disability.
Publications - Women Enabled International
WEI has published hundreds of reports, guidelines, toolkits, and fact sheets that work to effect changes in laws and policies around the world.