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World family doctors. Caring for people. | WONCA Europe
Except where otherwise noted, this website by WONCA Europe and all the materials published on it (including documents, text, images, photos, audio and video) are ...
About WONCA Europe | WONCA Europe
WONCA World WONCA is an acronym comprising the first five initials of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. ...
WONCA World Conference 2023 | WONCA Europe
WONCA World Conference 2023 Family doctors and GPs from around the globe will come together in Sydney to share research and discuss best practice, keeping communities healthy on an international level...
Courses | WONCA Europe
These courses are being offered free of charge. ASCEND (Academy for Science and Continuing Education in Diabetes and Obesity) E- learning Portal is a learning programme to support general practitioner...
Membership | WONCA Europe
Professional Organisations as members WONCA Member Organizations are professional organizations who are national organizations or a group of national organizations. Organizations may apply for Full or...
Events | WONCA Europe
23-24 November 2023 Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2nd International Scientific Conference of Primary Care: Interprofessional Teamwork and Quality in Health Care More info 29 November 2023