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Wordshark - Wordshark & Numbershark
Sign up for a free trial of Wordshark Online, games for reading and spelling for Primary and Secondary schools, SEND, EAL and more.
Schools - Wordshark - Wordshark & Numbershark
See how adaptable Wordshark is, with it's placement test, automatic progression, set work option, extensive word bank and own lists option.
At Home
What is Numbershark and how does it work? Numbershark is a motivating computer program that uses games to teach and reinforce numeracy and improve understanding and use of numbers. The wide variety o...
Home Prices include VAT. Suitable if program needs to be used on various different computers The Licence can be deactivated to move the program to a different computer See below for delivery info...
School Set up Program can be deployed Download: Program activated on a single computer. All files stored on local drive. DVD: Installs on computer. Runs with DVD in drive. All files stor...