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Words of the Wisdomless
Hi I'm Chato, I started making up quotes this during a group therapy I went to a few years ago. Each week before the group meeting I would make up a quote and write it on white board. Many of the gr...
Words of the Wisdomless: April 2014
Chato B. Stewart I live with Bipolar disorder and he wont leave, even when i change the locks he always seems to get his own key. I'm also a father of 4, I work for my self which is both good and ba...
Words of the Wisdomless: Word Of The Widsomless - Outside
Word Of The Widsomless - Outside - "If the four walls around you are closing in, then stand up and go outside... Look up at the sun and enjo...
Words of the Wisdomless: Words Of The WisdomLESS: Pandora's Box
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Words of the Wisdomless: Words of the Wisdomless: WHY?
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