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Working Grandmothers
Whether you are a grandmother who works at home or in the marketplace; whether your work is business or caring for family, you need a place to come to rest, reflect and recharge.
Working Grandmothers: How to Crochet - Free Stitch Instructions and Stitch Abbreviations
Learning to Crochet Again Crocheting is a relaxing and creative hobby enjoyed by many. You can use large crochet hooks and small, ma...
Working Grandmothers: How to Crochet a PICOT Stitch (p)
The Picot Stitch is another with some nice texture to it, and once you have looked at this tutorial, you'll find that it's as easy as can be...
Working Grandmothers: Becoming a New Widow
Though we do not dwell on it, the possibility becoming a widow is in the back of our minds if we are married, and surfaces now and then in...
Working Grandmothers: The Hug of a Prayer Shawl - Free Crochet Pattern
Our church has a Prayer Shawl Ministry which I joined about four or five years ago. I hadn't crocheted in years, and this inspired me t...
Working Grandmothers: 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017 Though we do not dwell on it, the possibility becoming a widow is in the back of our minds if we are married, and surfaces now and then in our Senior years. And now it has ...