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Writing Clear Science | Learn to write clearly and succinctly, without sacrificing the accuracy of
Testimonials "While authoring scientific reports as a consultant ecologist for over ten years, I always found it challenging to balance efficient reporting with high-quality outputs. The How to be an...
What is science writing? | Writing Clear Science
What is science writing? Although this question appears straightforward, there are common misconceptions about what constitutes science writing. Some students attending my writing workshops initially ...
How to write good research paper titles | Writing Clear Science
How to write good research paper titles Your title is the first and most important step in engaging your reader. It should be concise, interesting and summarise the essential content of the document. ...
How to be an Efficient Science Writer | Writing Clear Science
How much time will it take to complete the course? - The minimum time commitment is 2-4 hours per week, depending upon how much time you take to complete each writing exercise, what module you are wor...
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When to cite and when not to | Writing Clear Science
When to cite and when not to What information should be cited? Where do I place the citation in a sentence? These two questions are commonly asked during my writing workshops and online courses. Other...