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Events | World Student Christian Federation - North America
The World Student Christina Federation (WSCF) stands in solidarity with the Lumad indigenous people of Mindanao and the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP). We join the students and chur...
About Us | World Student Christian Federation - North America
Church affiliation: Anglican Church of Canada Cydney had been involved with the justice side of her faith for as long as she can remember. Before coming to NARC, Cydney worked with the Primate's World...
Donate | World Student Christian Federation - North America
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 700 New York, NY 10115 To donate in Canada: go to the WSCF-Canada page on and specify WSCF-North America in the comments field. Thank you for your do...
Publications | World Student Christian Federation - North America
Search form Publications Here you can find the latest publications and reports from the World Student Christian Federation - North America: Annual Reports: Conference Reports: The reports from our th...
Events | World Student Christian Federation - North America
If you haven't heard, the WSCF partnered with the World Council of Churches (WCC) to share stories and messages of peace from the IEPC, one of the most important ecumenical events of the decade! Durin...
Get Involved | World Student Christian Federation - North America
Search form Get Involved Join the Movement! Interested in finding out more about the World Student Christian Federation North America? Contact our Regional Secretary, Luciano Kovacs, at wscfna (at) gm...