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Popular pages
SFI | West Virginia Forestry Association
What is the Sustainable Forestry Initiative? The Sustainable Forestry Initiative is a commitment to sustainable forest management protecting water quality, soil, wildlife and unique resources; promoti...
Online Logger Recertification Course | West Virginia Forestry Association
Feb 19, 2021 Every two years, loggers around the state get the opportunity to refresh their knowledge on WV Laws and Silvicultural Best Management Practices at one of the WV Division of Forestry’s in-...
Events | West Virginia Forestry Association
January 31st, 2023 | 8:30 am to 12:00 pm Charleston Town Center Marriott, Charleston, WV The 36th Annual AB Brooks Memorial Forestry Symposium will be held on Jan 31st from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at th...
WVLC | West Virginia Forestry Association
West Virginia Loggers Council (WVLC) Mission: To improve and expand the use of professional logging practices responsive to the needs of loggers, customers, employees, landowners and the general publi...
Board and Staff | West Virginia Forestry Association
Board of Directors Member Board of Directors Member Board of Directors Member Board of Directors Member
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