Berkeley Center for the Information Society
Berkeley Center for the Information Society
The Berkeley Center for the Information Society is a research center
focused on the social impact of the information technology revolution
and is t...
Research Initiatives Projects | ICSI
The Internet has created a world of universal connectivity, where any two devices can communicate as long as they are both connected to the Internet. The Internet architecture is a miraculous feat of ...
Jerry Feldman's Personal Home Page at ICSI
MIT Press 2006. There is also a related website m2mbook.org
that has news and reviews of the book and also will hopefully help
further the development of a Unified Cognitive Science.
I am also act...
CS194-21: Networks, Crowds, and Markets
CS194-21: Networks, Crowds, and Markets
Instructors: Richard M. Karp and Christos H. Papadimitriou
Office Hours: To Be Announced
Units: 3
Time and Place: Tu,Th 11:00-12:30, 320 Soda
Text: David Easley...
Press | ICSI
| Brian Krebs, Krebs on Security
Nicholas Weaver, a researcher for the International Computer Science Institute at University of California, Berkeley, suggested another explanation for the recent glut...
Networking and Security Projects | ICSI
People generally center their lives around their residence. This center of gravity is where we can be contacted, store our things, do our homework, play games, meet after disparate activities, eat our...