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Sacred Space Website from the Jesuits of Ireland; a place on the web where you can find a few moments of peace in a busy day.
Our Moral Life in Christ, Chapter Two
What does moral theolgoy seek to do? What is the final goal for each person, according to Catholic moral theology? What is necessary to guarantee that a moral system will be correct? what dif...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Good Samaritan Sermon
Return to Freshman Mr. Sciuto's Freshman Theology Homepage delivered April 3, 1968, Mason Temple (Church of God in Christ Headquarters) Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King's cites Jesus's "Parable of the ...
Our Moral Life in Christ, Chapter Seven
Conversion Vocabulary: actual sin, attrition, complete consent, contrition, external sin, formal sin, full knowledge, grave matter, habitual sin, internal sin, material sin, mortal sin, numerical dist...
Guidelines for Freshmen
Dear student, When you were young, you were greatly "formed" by influences of which you were not even aware. As you grow older, you need to take as much control of your own self as you can. As you mat...
St. Louis U. High Theology Department
of St. Lous U. High, September 2004 St. Louis University High School Mission Statement St. Louis University High School is a Catholic, Jesuit learning community dedicated to building Christ's K...