Prof. Dr. Andreas Rüther
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rüther
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft,
Bielefeld, Thursday/Friday, 19/20 October 2023
Organizers: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Eleonora Rohland und Andrea...
Zoltán Boldizsár Simon
Short Bio
Zoltán Boldizsár Simon is historian / historical theorist at Bielefeld University. He has been assistant professor at Leiden University and visiting fellow at the ...
Home Page of Dafydd Gibbon
In brief
Dafydd Gibbon is emeritus Professor of Linguistics in the Faculty of Linguistics and Literature, Bielefeld University, Germany, specialising in computational lexicography and acoustic phonet...
IOCB - Home
Our reaseach activities include biocatalysis, chemoenzymatic processes, flow chemistry as well as high-pressure chemistry combined with green chemistry.
Prof. Dr. Eleonora Rohland
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic my personal office hours are cancelled.
I am happy to talk to you by phone/Skype/FaceTime however. Please contact me via email.
(please apply ...
Odile Sauzet
Odile Sauzet
Bielefeld University
Postfach 10 01 31, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Head of the Statistik-Beratungs-Centrum (StatBeCe) Bielefeld University
Research interests
Social epidemiolo...