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XRF Research – Composition Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence
Composition Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence
XRF Spectra
XRF Spectra XRF Spectra The following periodic table provides access to sample XRF spectra of pure elements (flat disk or nuggets unless specified otherwise) taken with an Innov-X a-2000 X-Ray Fluores...
X-Ray Fluorescence
X-Ray Fluorescence X-Ray Fluorescence X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry involves the measurement of emission lines observed when a material is bombarded with X-Rays. Because elements differ in the energ...
Fundamental Parameters
Fundamental Parameters The Fundamental Parameters algorithm is a semi-quantitative standardless method based the theoretical relationships between concentration and peak intensity. It is typically th...
Mail-In Testing
Mail-In Testing Mail-In Testing We can test solid, non-hazardous materials that are sent to us by mail using XRF for inorganic composition analysis. Based on what you are looking for, we will use one ...
Limits of Detection
Limits of Detection In summary, most metals and elements starting with Titanium (Z = 22) exhibit detection limits in the 10-150 ppm range if they are present in a material consisting mainly of light e...