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Yasmin Mogahed
I spent my life running after the creation. I have always been what you might call ‘needy’. I needed friends, I needed people. All the time. And I couldn’t handle letdowns..But at the heart of what ma...
Lectures : Yasmin Mogahed
Click here for Video Lectures. .Click here for Audio Lectures. ..
About Us : Yasmin Mogahed
Yasmin Mogahed received her B.S. Degree in Psychology and her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After completing her graduate work, she taught Isl...
Lecture Transcripts : Yasmin Mogahed
Today, I’m going to talk about poverty. Yet, the poverty I speak about today isn’t the apparent kind. You see, before we can begin to speak about a concept, we need a criterion. We need definitions. ....
Articles : Yasmin Mogahed
Reclaim Your Heart : Yasmin Mogahed
..Many of us live our lives entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Often, we have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this ...