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About – Leaps And Bounds
Welcome to the personal, rambling blog of Danny Yau. Leaps And Bounds been running in various incarnations since 2005. I’ve also imported my digital blog from another blog – The Great L…
The New Album Show – a live music podcast from Sydney, Australia
This is our second live record and will feature John and Pete were once of the band Warmer, but have now made a wonderful second album under the name The Nature Strip called Presents, which is pop bli...
podcasts – Leaps And Bounds
30 for 30 – as I reach my fourth decade of being, I’m writing about some of the things that made the three that came before what they were. 30 – mostly trivial – things that have been a part of 30 – m...
Astro City Chronology – Leaps And Bounds
I wrote a book. It’s more of a study into a comic book series called Astro City. It’s called The ASTRO CITY CHRONOLOGY. You can get it on Amazon. It’s just putting the events of t…
poems – Leaps And Bounds
I can draw you the exact layout without missing a beat. The colours of the walls and the sofas. One of four town house apartments in an old building. Long – the living room at the front, the kitchen a...
site – Leaps And Bounds
A quick update regarding the site. Plenty of half finished blogs on various records that I will finish soon, but right now the site is taking a small break. I will however post a top 10 albums and mov...