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You Decide Politics | Conservative News & Commentary
Conservative News & Commentary
ABC News Democratic & Republican Debates Tonight | You Decide Politics
That’s correct, there are 2, count ’em 2 debates tonight (1/5/08), both broadcast nationally on ABC from Manchester, New Hampshire at St. Anselm College. Here is the deal on how things …
Election Central - Political news, videos, debates and polls
Political news, videos, debates and polls
Video: Barack Obama on Meet the Press (5/4/08) | You Decide Politics
Barack Obama spent the entire hour earlier this morning with Tim Russert on Meet the Press discussing the 2008 race just days ahead of the Indiana and North Carolina primaries. I though it was a pr…
Dave Ramsey on socialism and Barack Obama | You Decide Politics
I ran across this commentary the other day and thought it was pertinent to share as a piece pertaining to the 2008 election since this is a topic that always garners discussion. I’ve heard Da…