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Yuma Community Food Bank - Yuma, AZ
The Yuma Community Food Bank Has DECLARED WAR ON HUNGER! And, we NEED YOU fighting on the front lines! Help by Volunteering or Donating today!
About Us - Yuma Community Food Bank - Yuma, AZ
The History Founded in 1978 by a group of dedicated volunteers, the Yuma Community Food Bank focused on the need to feed hungry children within Yuma County. Thirty-Four years later, the Yuma Community...
Get Involved - Yuma Community Food Bank - Yuma, AZ
Join Yuma's Have FUN & Make a Difference! Is your youth group, family, friends, clubs or church are looking for a project ? Well we are here to help! Basic operations of the Yuma Community Food Bank ...
How We Fight Hunger - CSFP - Yuma Community Food Bank - Yuma, AZ
Commodity Supplemental Food Program The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a specialty food program that provides a monthly supplemental food box for senior citizens. This program is design...
Contact Us - Yuma Community Food Bank - Yuma, AZ
In Accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To fi...
Ways to Give - Yuma Community Food Bank - Yuma, AZ
WAR ON HUNGER Today! The Yuma Community Food Bank reaches out to you, your friends and family in an effort to thank you and invite you to visit us at the Yuma Community Food Bank. We salute our donors...