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- Zaptales
The Fourth Side – Zap Tales
“We, the jury, find the defendant guilty.” That was all I heard. The rest of the formalities became just a blur as the court officers snapped the cold, steel handcuffs tightly around my wrists. Afte...
New Stuff – Zap Tales
New Stuff Since the onset of when modern man started walking erect, and was able to communicate through grunts and other sounds, he has been on a quest for new things. To set the record straight, I am...
What’s New – Zap Tales
Dear readers, If you missed it, we even got pics. Look at those adorable faces! Thanks for sticking with me over the years. Stay safe, everyone.
Stories – Zap Tales
A Broken Promise Prison; the best way to describe it, would be to state it’s an oasis or boredom in a desert of horror’s. However with no apparent horror’s to contend with, I often appreciate the bore...
The Combination – Zap Tales
The Combination In my last Zap Tale, I conveyed how over the course of a decade of doing the prison thing, I grew to despise the morning count bell. Most convicts see it as an alarm clock. Others slee...