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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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CS 105 Labs - 2012 Spring
CAS CS 105 - 12 Spring Introduction to Databases and Data Mining Course Webpage
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A3: Thursdays, 4:00 - 5:00 PM @ EMA 304 A4: Fridays, 2:00 - 3:00 PM @ EMA 304 • Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:30 ...
CAS CS 105 -- Lab 2 -- 2012 Spring
Unzip the downloaded program in that directory (Z:/db) Download the lab's sample database from here and copy it to the same folder. Comment: We do this once: Z drive is accessible f...
CS 460/660 Labs server. server, the data file should be on the server, NOT on your own machine. The (3) You can use PostgreSQL either on your own machine...
CAS CS 105 -- Lab 9 -- 2012 Spring
SQL or Data Mining? Given records of hospital treatments we need to find out how many of these took more than 2 days. Given records of patients check-ups we need to pred...
CS 105 -- Lab 10
We will use this dataset to try to predict the category of average income a country will have for 2010, given the income and life expectancy in 2006 and the change from 1996's income and life expectan...